Map client API

The Map client API makes it very easy to add maps to your own web pages or apps. The API works with the SQL API and WMS API. Below are a few basic examples.

This is the Hello World example. A map with a single tile layer.

$(window).load(function() {
	// Create a new map object
	var cloud_example1 = new"map_example1","mydb");
	// Zoom to default extent
	// Add a single tile layer
<div id="map_example1" style="width: 100%;height: 500px"></div>

This example shows how to add GeoJSON to a map object using the SQL API.

$(window).load(function() {
	// Create a new map object
	var cloud_example2 = new"map_example2","mydb");
	// Create a new GeoJSON store
	var store_example2 = new mygeocloud_ol.geoJsonStore("mydb");
	// Add the GeoJSON store to the map
	// Set the SQL query in the store
	store_example2.sql = "SELECT * FROM public.publicnuclear_facilities_update";
	// Load the GeoJSON
	// Defined a "onLoad" function
	store_example2.onLoad = function(){
		// When the GeoJSON is loaded, zoom to its extent
<div id="map_example2" style="width: 100%;height: 500px"></div>

This is a bit more advanced example. It shows how use the the SQL API to create a 100 km buffer around features. Both the features and the buffers is mapped. Because the features in this case are stored in projection EPSG:4326 they are transformed to webmercator before the buffering. The grid object is used to show the GeoJSON in a table grid.

$(window).load(function() {
	// Create a new map object
	var cloud_example3 = new"map_example3","mydb");
	// Create a new GeoJSON store
	var store_example3 = new mygeocloud_ol.geoJsonStore("mydb");
	// Add the GeoJSON store to the map
	// Set the SQL query in the store. You can fire any SELECT query that returns one or more geometries. 
	store_example3.sql = "SELECT *,buffer(transform(the_geom,900913),100000) FROM public.publicnuclear_facilities_update LIMIT 5";
	// Load the GeoJSON
	// Defined a "onLoad" function
	store_example3.onLoad = function(){
		// When the GeoJSON is loaded, zoom to its extent
		// Add a grid with the GeoJSON
		var grid_example3 = new mygeocloud_ol.grid("grid_example3",store_example3);
<div id="map_example3" style="width: 100%;height: 500px"></div>
<div id="grid_example3" style="width: 100%;height: 500px"></div>