About MyGeoCloud.com

Are you in need for maps and data storage for your web project? And you need not just pretty maps, but also to do some spatial operations?

MyGeoCloud is about providing you with the awesome power of cutting edge geographical server software in no time. Here you find PostGIS, MapServer, OpenLayers, GeoExt, TileCache and more put together in a all-in-one-place solution.

Here is what you get:

  • A PostGis database for your data
  • WFS-T for accessing and editing your data
  • WMS for rendering your data into great looking maps
  • API for SQL and spatial operations
  • API for OpenLayers and GeoExt, so you can get maps into your apps
  • An administration page for the whole thing
  • I'm sure there is more, but I can't remember right now...

About the OpenSource project MyGeoCloud

MyGeoCloud is an OpenSource project started by Martin Høgh. So if you want to run MyGeoCloud on your own server, get the source from github.com/mhoegh/MyGeoCloud

And if you want to contribute, don't hesitate to contact me.

About Martin Høgh

I've worked with geographical information and urban planning for over 10 years. Currently I'm employed by cowi.com
